
I am finally a senior. I don’t know what it is but I’m more excited about this year than ever. Maybe it’s the fact that this is the start to many endings . The last time I will ever need to find my locker , the last time I will have 3 trimesters the last time I will have homecoming , prom . Like I said before college seems like such a scary thing but I’m so excited for it . Il be away from home and il have so many new adventures . Il be turning 18 I’m so excited for my last year of high school . Looking forward to making this the best year ever !



Hello fellow bloggers hes a good one for you. Next time you’r home bored and waiting for something to happen to  you out of the blue , here is something to keep you busy. . Its called MapCrunch 

MapCrunch is the online version of hostage (if you don’t know what hostage is, its a game you play with your friends and you blindfold a person and drive them some where and let them find there way home. During this game you cant use a cell phone, GPS or other electronic devise.)With that being said MapCrunch is for those who don’t have friends . 

You go on MapCrunch , select “hide location” ,make sure you have all countries unselected and click go. This will drop you in a random part of the world. It’s as if your friends dropped you of on the side of the road in ANOTHER COUNTRY . Obviously the goal is to find your way back home (if you end up in the U.s. If your in another country the goal would to find your way to an airport so you can return home.



An arrow can on…


An arrow can only be shot by puling backwards. When life is dragging you backward with difficulties,it means it’s going to launch you into something great. So just focus and keep aiming.



When life has you down and you are in a hard spot just remember , things will get better. Keep looking forward , and keep your head up ! This quote stands out to me for obvious reasons , it makes me want to move forward and I hope it does the same for you.(If it doesn’t that’s okay, not every one’s the same.)


For school I had to read a book . The name of the book was Zeitoun … now I picked the book from random and thought it would be a boring ol’ book that I would hate and not want to read. I was waaaaaaaay wrong. This book was actually pretty great i would give it 4 out of 5 stars or 4 1/2 . I was into the book and wanted to see what happen to the main character the whole time. It kept me wanting to read more and more . 

Now for those of you who haven’t read Zeitoun , its about a Muslim man who moves to New Orleans and gets married and has kids. He stays in hurricane Katrina and his wife and kids leave. The the government think hes a terrorist and arrest him. He is then put in prison and cant get a hold of his wife until after a month . After she finds out where her husband is she goes and save him but again faces problems . 

Now what got me really upset was that the both Zeitoun and his wife were profiled , weren’t aloud a phone call , they weren’t red there rights and they were treated like dogs. The things that Zeitoun had to go threw was crazy bad and I am disgusted by how the government took charge. Zeitoun was a nice man didn’t do anything bad and he was treated like a criminal . Now if you wanna know what all happen to him , you’re gonna have to read the book.


I’m sorry for the rambling…its not to bad I promise! Plus I bet I’m not the only one who feels like this. I and the rest of my class have one more year of the “easy years”. One more year where we can fool around and get one on one time/help with our teachers and just have someone watch over us. Its the last year most of us will be with our parents and even at home. The last year we will see some of our classmates for a very long time or even for ever.

Yeah yeah most of the people in our high school say things like ” i hate this place ” or  “I cant wait to be out of here” chances are they will be the ones who miss it the most. The expression that comes to mind is  you don’t know what you have until its gone. Its completely true ones we are all in college we will start missing all the good times we had with our friends and peers. That my friends can be a scary thought, knowing that people you know and love are gone.

The things that scares me the most are not the fact that I might not see everyone or I wont be living at home. The things that scare me are grades and being lost and over all my freshman year.  The fact that I am terrible at taking test makes very nervous. Knowing that homework is not a big part of your grade adds the the nervousness. Also getting lost , lets face it colleges aren’t small . I honestly really don’t want to be that one chick who came in super late for class and dropped all her books and has a map with her trying to find her first class.

Maybe its all in my head and movies and other media have forced this view of college that’s not at all what it actually is. I think I’m just getting anxious like when we first when into the middle school and they told us how things were gonna be. Or when were gonna go into high school and our 8th grade teachers told us it was going to be “hard.” High school certainly did not turn out like I thought it would be and quite honestly I am very glad.

Well first is first i have to apply for college then get accepted… maybe I’m getting a little bit ahead of myself . Good luck to the seniors this year , I personally will miss you guys! Good luck in college!

After Ever After


FUN FACT: Thing young man auditioned for glee but never made it…. personally I think that was a mistake. He is quite good at harmonizing and sees the realistic side of things. The Young mans name is John Cozart and he “just wanted to put them in real-life scenarios to see what their lives would look like. “The 20 year old YouTube Star is a sophomore in college and attends University of Texas at Austin. The video was already ranked number one in iTunes comedy charts and he even got a letter from President of Disney Theatrical congratulating him. Many people have asked him to post more videos of other Disney characters and Cozart is thinking about doing more so if you enjoy the video you have that to look forward to. I think hes doing quite well for someone who didn’t make it on Glee.

The Gnat

Besides the mosquito I believe the Gnat comes in close second for most annoying thing/bug . Besides the fact that its tinny and in your face the Gnat doesn’t just travel alone . The Gnat travels in packs . The mosquito on the other hand is a lone wolf . What really makes the mosquito annoying is the sound , and of cores the after effect. (the itching and scratching) The Gnat has a different approach for being annoying. Our dear friend the Nat  tends to come in groups and they stay in groups forming a wall of black annoying things. The Gnat is not afraid of get on you and wondering on your skin. Unlike the mosquito who knows not to stick around the Gnat doesn’t do anything but walk around you and make you feel unconformable. At least with mosquito you can put a net up and prevent it from being annoying the Gnat has no net. Its so small I’m pretty sure it could just fit threw the cracks .


Personally I could do with out either of them . Personally the world would be much better with out them . Heck maybe if we didn’t have Gnats and Mosquitoes the world would be a nicer place . You never know.   


3 Miles and 40 Obstacles of pure fun! Acting like a kid again !  100 yard long Mucking Mud Pit, thrilling Mud Slide, Cargo Net Climb, and Creek Crossing just to name a few. Mudathlon is a great way to do something with your time and go running. The best part is it doesn’t even feel like you are running a race because your having so much fun.

I ran this last year and had a blast the people I met were crazy and dressed up in all types of crazy thing.Trust me when i say you will have to try to not get covered in mud! The day I ran was burning hot but the mud was oh so cool which made it amazing . Along with water being handed out so you stay hydrated the whole 3 miles wasn’t a problem.   Medical staff on hand and ready to keep you good and energized . I would recommend this to anyone who just want to have fun, isn’t afraid to get dirty or run. This is the type of stuff that makes life fun.